Decades: The Bee Gees

A Book Series


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An exclusive is always something to brag about, so here’s a piece in the Australian Herald about Andrew’s interview on Radio Bronglais.

 Coming Soon

Radio Bronglais presenter Steve Snelling gets an exclusive preview of work in progress for DECADES: The Bee Gees in the 1980s.

Andrew and Steve have known each other for many years through their mutual motorsport connections.

23 March 2924

The Light Appears is a Canadian blog which reviews Albums, Comedy & Jazz, and most importantly for us – books.

22 March 2024

Andrew was interviewed fo rthe book promotion site Pretty Hot Here’s he discusses some of the processes behind writing the Decades books, what’s currently going on and what to possibly expect in the future.

8 March 2024

The Australian Herald reports on Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s being a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards, and also being Sonicbond Publishing‘s best selling book of 2023.

26 February 2024

Discount Book Man Also featured Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s on the same day.

26 February 2024

Discount Book Man is a book promotion site, along similar lines to Awesome Gang and Pretty Hot. Here’s the feature on Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s.

22 February 2024

Continuing to be pretty hot, we also had Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s featured.

22 February 2024

Pretty Hot is website which promotes, pretty hot books! We figured we were hot enough to be featured, and evidently so did they. Here’s the feature on Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s.

17 February 2024

We were very pleased that Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s was named as a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards. The total number of books entered in the awards was 799, with 141 of those in the adult non-fiction category, so to make it this far is quite an achievement. Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s was a finalist in the 2021 awards.

13 February 2024

An interview with Andrew in which he discusses the how the Decades books came about, and he reveals what might ensue in possible future projects.

11 February 2024

After a nail-biting countdown of Sonicbond Publishing‘s top five selling books of 2023, we were thrilled to be placed at number one!

9 February 2024

This one is kinda special … ABC Radio Canberra presenter Alice Matthews not only speaks to Mark about Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s, she also speaks to original Bee Gees drummer, Colin Petersen, during the first part of the segment.

2 February 2024

One of the advantages of being an international writing team means that we have the benefit of support from our respective countries. Andrew is very proudly Welsh, and even speaks the language. In fact, it’s his first language – he’s done well to master English as well …

28 January 2024

An interview with Andrew in which he discusses, amongst other things, the Decades books, possible future projects, and he shares the best advice that he’s ever been given …

13 January 2024

The Australian Herald features breaking news headlines from Sydney, Australia and the world. It features the latest business, sport, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, and technology news, including this rather splendid review of the Decades books.

3 January 2024

Andrew appeared on Britain’s most popular radio station, BBC Radio 2 on Phil Williams‘ show at 12:30 a.m. in a feature called Midnight Mastermind. Unusually, he wasn’t answering questions – he was asking them!

1 January 2024

Continuing to be awesome, we also had Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s featured.

1 January 2024

Awesome Gang is “Where awesome book readers meet awesome writers”. We figured we were awesome enough to be featured, and evidently so did they. Here’s the feature on Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s.

22 December 2023

This is the print edition of the Australian Financial Review’s best books of 2023 which included both of the Decades volumes published so far.

20 December 2023

The Australian Financial Review is an Australian business-focused, daily newspaper covering the current business and economic affairs of Australia and the world.

It was amazing to be included in the top ten music books of 2023. Not only that, but we got a bigger write-up than Barbra Streisand’s autobiography!

19 December 2023

Remind Magazine is a fun, nostalgic trip back in time — a celebration of pop culture from the 1950s to the 1990s, filled with kitschy memories of the stars you idolised. Barb Oates spoke to Grant for this piece where he said “They’re Beyond Underrated … Criminally Underrated At Points” – that quote will go down in history!

14 December 2023

Grant was a guest on Francine Brokow‘s TV show Beyond the Red Carpet. She is the entertainment correspondent for Good Day Orange County and has written about entertainment, travel, products, books and music.

10 December 2023

At a Glance is a magazine-style blog dedicated to interesting features in entertainment and cultral avenues. Contributor Jayne Henry Owens is a big Bee Gees fan, so it was only a matter of time before our paths crossed.

17 November 2023

Peter Clemson hosts The Aloönæ Show with Andrew as an unsuspecting guest. After discussing the Decades books, the conversation goes off-kilter with some whacky questions to which Andrew’s replies were mostly about two things he loves as much as The Bee Gees – beer and cheese …

15 November 2023

Grant joins Walker Evans, co-founder of Columbus Underground, for an episode of The Confluence Cast to talk about music, comedy, writing, and … music and comedy writing, including, of course, The Bee Gees’ Decades books.

2 November 2023

Grant joins popular Salt Lake City radio personality Frank Bell, the morning show host, on B98.7, in the run up to Barry Gibb being honoured at the Kennedy Center.

November 2023

To support our Bee Gees article in the Spanish magazine This Is Rock, we placed a half page advertisement.

November 2023

The Spanish magazine This Is Rock asked us to write a piece about The Bee Gees and their influence on progressive rock. We submitted about 5,000 words which were then translated into Spanish. The result was a really nice ten-page article.

October 2023

North Wales Magazine is a high quality lifestyle print magazine, celebrating the people and places of this fabulous area.

October 2023

Mojo magazine had a 2-page article How To Buy: Bee Gees in this edition. The books, Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s and Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s got a small mention in the books section.

29 September 2023

Smart Radio 101 is an independent, online radio station broadcasting shows from presenters from around the world. Presenter Terry Sullivan reviewed the books on his Chatterbox show.

14 September 2023

The Welsh television channel, S4C‘s evening magazine programme Heno came to interview Andrew, Grant and Mark in Holyhead and came to the book talk at the local micro-brewery, Bragdy Cybi. The presenter, Gerallt Pennant, was thrilled to meet the Bee Gees’ cousin, Hazel Gibb, too.

6 September 2023

Tony Jones, host of Anglesey’s community radio station, Môn FM‘s, Drivetime show, took the opportunity to interview Andrew, Grant and Mark while they were all together in Anglesey

August 2023

Shire magazine is a high quality lifestyle publication in print and online, with three separate editions covering North Wales, Cheshire, and Shropshire & Mid Wales. This article covers both the 1960s and 1970s volumes of The Bee Gees’ Decades books.

August 2023

The Spanish magazine This Is Rock featured a review of Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s in this edition.

August 2023

The German magazine Good Times featured a review of Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s in this edition.

29 July 2023

The second part of the Gibbology podcast with Andrew and Grant discussing Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s with host Sarah Stacey.

21 July 2023

Andrew and Grant join host Sarah Stacey on the Gibbology podcast to discuss the book Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s. It’s a long one, so this is the first of two parts.

17 July 2023

Andrew appeared on the BBC‘s Welsh language radio station BBC Radio Cymru with host Shan Cothi on her morning show Bore Cothi.

11 July 2023

Andrew joined BBC Radio Wales host Behnaz Akhgar on her afternoon show for another conversation about writing both the 1960s and 1970s volumes of the Decades books.

7 July 2023

Andrew was a guest on BBC Radio Merseyside with host Linda McDermott to discuss the two Decades books, which Linda called “a labour of love by three Bee Gees historians who have gone into this forensically”.

3 July 2023

London TV is a website focused on providing news, events, and information related to London, UK. It covered various topics such as local news, culture, entertainment, and lifestyle.

July 2023

Having already had reviews of both Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s and Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s in The Beat, we were surprised to see this full page article covering both books! We thank Martin Hutchinson for his support.

July 2023

Eighth Day magazine was founded by music journalist Alice Jones-Rodgers and Scott Rodgers in March 2018. As well as the magazine, they operate a record label and public relations company. Independent contributors write for the publication, including Martin Hutchinson, who also writes for The Beat.

26 June 2023

We were very happy to receive a 5-star review from Paul Donnelley of the Daily Express: “The amount of research that has gone into these books is truly incredible. I cannot recommend highly enough the Bee Gees books. They are superb”.

June 2023

Martin Hutchinson reviews Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s for The Beat magazine.

7 May 2023

The Tinnitist website reviews all things music related – including DECADES: The Bee Gees in the 1970s. Run by Darryl Sterdan was previously the national music writer for a Canadian newspaper conglomerate. Nowadays, he uses his literary powers for the good of artists and publicists.

6 May 2023

Brian and Sarah are the hosts of the Permanent Record Podcast. In this episode, they spoke with Grant about Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s, and they also learned more about him and his many talents, how he came to know Andrew and Mark, and how the book series came about.

18 April 2023

Another video from David Fedor of The Bee Gees and Me podcast. In this episode David unboxes Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s. This one is pretty special for David as the picture pages include several items of memorabilia from his personal Bee Gees collection.

1 April 2023

In their second review of the books, The Afterword focuses on Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s. The review provides insight into the Bee Gees’ prolific music career and iconic hits, stating: “This comprehensive sequel to the earlier book on their 60s work is one of the longest in the Decades series at over three hundred pages, and is only the second volume of a planned four”.

April 2023

The Beat was started by David Parker in 2002, He is still the Editor and Chief to this day. The Beat brings music fans up to date with what’s going on with their favourite bands and artists, exclusive interviews with the stars themselves, plus, reviews, competitions and special offers. Martin Hutchinson reviewed Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1970s in this edition of the magazine.

28 March 2023

Our publisher, Sonicbond Publishing, had a page spare in the 1970s book, so took the opportunity to place an advert for the 1960s book – makes good sense! It also gave us the opportunity to brag that the book was a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Book Awards.

June 2022

Every month the Spanish magazine This Is Rock offers its readers the most important exclusives and best articles, focusing on the great icons or rock and metal, and classic and contemporary pop. This edition featured a review of Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s.

15 April 2022

UK-based rock and metal platform RAMzine reviews the book: “Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s:“One of the strengths of this highly informative and educational book is the depth of research gone into exploring the band’s early years in the sixties…if you thought you already knew the band, you’ll learn more here.”

12 April 2022

Chicago based writer and author Lisa Torem reviews Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s for Penny Black Music. Our publisher is Sonicbond Publishing, and Lisa is also on their roster, having written books about Tori Amos, Billy Joel and Suzanne Vega.

14 March 2022

Based in Orlando, Florida, USA, host Ben Montgomery (along with guest co-host Jon Lamoreaux of The Hustle Podcast) and Grant dive deep into a conversation about The Bee Gees’ third (and debut major-label, international) studio album, Bee Gees’ 1st.

February 2022

Shindig! is a popular music magazine that is published monthly in the United Kingdom. Managing Editor / Reviews Editor Andy Morten reviewed Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s in this edition of the magazine.

February 2022

Good Times is a German magazine which covers the music of the 60s, 70s and 80s! It features in depth articles and reviews albums, DVDs, books and concerts. This issue contains a nice review of Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s.

31 December 2021

American author and journalist Richie Unterberger reviews and ranks Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s among his top music history volumes of the year: “All of the recordings they made during this fertile period are documented in exacting but very readable depth, and while the authors might be bigger fans than many general rock listeners, both the strengths and weaknesses are aptly criticized”.

22 December 2021

Join David Fedor, the charismatic host of The Bee Gees and Me podcast, in an exciting unboxing journey of Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s. Watch as David unveils the treasure trove of rare photos, exclusive insights, and untold stories about the iconic band’s formative years.

11 December 2021

Darryl Sterdan has 35 years of experience meeting the deadlines and demands of daily journalism, and was previously the national music writer for a Canadian newspaper conglomerate. Nowadays, he uses his literary powers for the good of artists and publicists. He’s written bios and press material for artists of all styles and stripes. He also runs the Tinnitist website reviewing all things music related – including DECADES: The Bee Gees in the 1960s.

9 December 2021

Based in Dublin, Ireland, host Sarah Stacey discusses the book Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s with the authors, touching on the band’s earliest work in Australia, the evolution of their sound and songwriting in the 1960s, and some of the brothers’ most influential figures.

22 November 2021

The Afterword is a platform for music and book reviews which rose from the ashes of the popular magazine The Word when it ceased publication in 2012.

“The authors have produced a detailed look at the band’s career from their earliest days to chart success, including a song by song look at each album. They certainly know their stuff, and have put together a volume that’s very well worth your time if you’re a fan of this period of their career”.

21 November 2021

Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Bee Gees super fan and collector David Fedor talks with the authors about the book Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s, including many of the interesting discoveries they made about the Gibbs and their associates while assembling the first volume of the series.

20 June 2021

WFMU is a listener-supported, radio station based in Jersey City, New Jersey, and is the longest-running freeform radio station in the United States. Former Bee Gee, Vince Melouney, writer of one of the forewords in Decades: The Bee Gees in the 1960s gives the book a plug during an interview.